Abstract:The traditional religion of ethnic minorities is intimately tied up with the history and cultural identity of ethnic groups. The strengthening practice of rituals has already recognized by everyone, and it has become the academic consensus to reach deeper conscious structures through ritual appearances. Studying the space production of traditional religious rituals not only has a guiding value for analyzing the ideological movements behind it, but also can provide reference for related religious and cultural departments. The internal order of the social system affected by the traditional religion is shaken, and the new social order urgently needs to be rebuilt, people's cognition of their own society and the identification of their own values have become elusive. So how to build a bridge between traditional religion and the value of this world, and realize the integration between ethnic group's concept of Survival in the Past and modern development needs become particularly important.As the physical practice of traditional religious beliefs and experiences-"ritual", it surpasses myths and legends and becomes the only representation that puts faith in the present. Ritual reveals the value cognition of the ethnic group on the secular-sacred order and the relationship between man and land, and is an intuitive material for studying the modernity of traditional religion. So this article starts with Lefebvre's theory of space production, and explores the subjective practice and power game of traditional religious rituals of the Jingpo people in the mountainous areas, which in the face of foreign religions' spatial deconstruction, the spatial changes caused by modernity, the discourse contention within ethnic groups, and the regulation of tourism space intervention. Then we clarify the primary and secondary dilemmas and mechanism of space production.
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